croit at Ceph Day Darmstadt, Germany
croit GmbH will be at Ceph Day Darmstadt on February 7th, 2018 to present the latest version of their innovative Ceph Storage Management solution. croit has been developing an innovative solution in the past years, making the complex administration of Ceph simple and cost-effective.
Speaker Paul Emmerich and Matthias Grandl will be on stage at Darmstadt to inform about the latest developments. In addition to a brief presentation of the company and its founders, the young entrepreneurs will explain their motivation to develop a new solution for the management of Ceph clusters. In front of the professional audience, consisting of small and medium sized enterprises and Ceph enthusiasts, Paul will give an insight into the future of Ceph Storage in companies.
"Many current Ceph users have to overcome a major hurdle with many potential risks, e.g., when upgrading to the latest Ceph Luminous release. This can be avoided with croit as a management solution," is Managing Director Martin Verges convinced. To avoid these risks and problems during operation with Ceph, the start-up company relies on state-of-the-art software development approaches. In addition to extensive testing, the combined package of software and operating system ensures significantly more reliable operations.
The brand new croit v1801 release, based on Ceph 12.2 Luminous, brings tons of new features and improvements. Thus, croit offers decisive advantages over other solutions on the market.
Technical Lead Emmerich is optimistic about croit's future: "We are continuously working on further optimizing croit and thus making the daily work with Ceph clusters considerably easier. We expect to see further innovative developments in the future that will redefine how storage is handled."
About croit: croit GmbH was founded on January 31st, 2017 as a young start-up in the area of scale-out storage by the founders Martin Verges, Paul Emmerich and Matthias Grandl. Verges and Emmerich can already look back on more than four years of experience in operating Ceph Storage in the data center environment. In its first business year, the company has already won numerous national and international customers and benefits from a strong response.